Anything Goes

Well, anything certainly went during the recent election campaigns and referenda, didn’t it? Fake news, half-truths and downright lies. Politicians have discovered the age of the “post-truth.”   With apologies to Cole Porter, but his words just demand to be updated

Times have changed
When you enter that polling booth
Just remember it’s now uncouth
For politicians to tell the truth

So today
It’s the fellow who lies the most
Who is making the biggest boast
And whose idea of truth is “post”

In olden days our politicians
Had certain inhibitions
Now heaven knows
Anything goes

Where once it paid to be quite formal
Now lying through their teeth is normal
They’re Pinocchios
Anything goes

The world has gone mad today
It’s so sad today
All those lies today
That we buy today
It’s all right today
To talk shite today

The whole world knows
Where once you had to be a bit discreet
Now all you have to do is tweet
Any thing goes

Vlad Putin walks into Crimea
And says that “There’s only Russians here”
Well don’t you know?
Anything goes

Where did Farage get all those promises
Of Euro money for the NHS?
No-one knows
Anything goes

The world has gone mad today
It’s so sad today
All those lies today
That we buy today
It’s all right today
To talk shite today
The whole world knows

Three hundred grand is Georgie Osborne’s fee
lect’ring about austerity
What do you know?

Anything goes
When Trump says that he’s gonna build a wall
And Mexico will pay it all
Don’cha suppose
Theresa says that it will all be fine
We’ll all be in clover when she signs
Article Five O!
Anything goes!

The world has gone mad today
It’s so sad today
All those lies today
That we buy today
It’s all right today
To talk shite today
The whole world knows

When one day Trump falls out with Putin
And suddenly sees that big red button
And there she blows!
Ev’rything goes!